Applicant Information
(In case, the application is from a unit/business, please specify the full name along with the company name. This name will appear in all communications as well as in the Feedback Report.)

(companies can apply under relevant sector. Sector specific questionnaires are developed)

Details of Highest Ranking Official
Contact Person for the CAP 2.0° Awards
Same as Higher Management   
Alternate Contact Person for the CAP 2.0° Awards
Participation Fees for Assessor Training: INR 22,000/- per participant

Company/Unit Application
Turnover (INR Crores)
Fee (INR)
>10000 crores 65,000
5000-10000 60,000
500-4999 55,000
50-499 25,000
<50 5000
Bank transfer advice/transaction no. (Refer to Cll Bank Transfer Details for bank transfer details)
Please find enclosed our cheque/demand draft no.for drawn in favour of "Confederation of Indian Industry" payable at New Delhi. (Refer to Application Fee Details for applicable fees).